Camp R.I.S.E. Application Deadline Coming Up - Free Camp for St. Johns County Students Grade 8 - 11

Camp Rise 2021 St. Johns County flyer

Update : Camp Rise has been postponed until a later date. Stay tuned for updates.

The deadline for Camp R.I.S.E. is fast approaching, and the organizations behind the 2021 St. Johns County Camp R.I.S.E. - a free overnight youth leadership and mentorship camp - is encouraging anyone interested in applying.

Students have to pick up the application from their school's guidance counselor, where they will also fill out forms for teacher's assignments, homework, so they can get their work done while at the camp.

St. Johns County Camp Rise:

When: September 1st - 3rd, 2021

Where: North Florida Christian Camp, 6779  Camp Road, Keystone Heights, FL 32656

Who's: Youth in grade 8 - 11th

Deadline: Application deadline is August 25th, 2021. Students have to pick up the application from their school counselor.

Cost: Camp and transportation is Free - students will be able to help with fundraising through the camp.

What: Camp Rise is a youth mentorship and leadership camp, where youth in grades 8th - 11th will learn how to work together with experiences that respect confidentiality with non-judgmental transparency. 

R.I.S.E = Resetting our interpersonal skills through substance abuse education.

The Team Behind the Camp: Community Youth in Action, and Idaho Falls, Idaho is teaming up with St. Johns County to launch the Camp with providers, licensed professionals and community managers from St. Johns County.

Transportation: Transportation will be provided by SJSO/PAL, and the pick-up location is 7 a.m. at the Police Athletic League, 155 N St. Johns St., St. Augustine.

Contact: Camp Director Arthur Butler at

Executive director Susan Jackson  at

Covid-19 Safety Procedures: Covid-19 protocols are in place. Cabin and living areas will be sanitized twice daily. Breakfast and lunch are pre-made in individual packages. A hot dinner will be served by professional staff in a large open dining hall with social distancing. 

For more information about Camp RISE contact Art Butler ( or see the school guidance counselor, who will have applications and all paperwork necessary.

